Thursday, January 20, 2011

Food review This time is McD

Wahahahha.. I think no one do this review before, only Cheras hot dick this kind of lame people will do such review

Ok, u know, every time before new year, the thing I looking forward are not what new cloth la, new jeans la, new this and new that.. I'm waiting for McD to come out with the prosperity burger....

A burger which unlike other McD product which already make me feel tasteless... They still remain the quality of the burger.. Maybe it's because it is "limited edition"... Limited edition item always catch people attention right?

This burger are make by either beef or chicken.. Full body (I use the term which use on wine) black pepper and some onion.. How full body is it? It full until it start to taste spicy even without u put the sweet chili source with it..

I not a fans of McD chili source Cus I think it's just too sweet.. Not spicy at all... McD do give u a option, up size or medium...where is the small option like last time? I miss it so much, u know, sometimes evening want to eat something, go large just not the best idea, will screw up my dinner later. Sometimes I really don't understand, go large doesn't mean will give u a bigger burger? Why they only serve u with bigger potion soft drink and fries.. Nobody want that ok, give me the large burger next time. U better take note McD...

The prosperity burger do come with a sweet orange juice and some funny "twist" onion... I dunno it's onion or potato.. I just know it taste very nice and it's "limited addition"... Muahahaha

The "twist" onion rings.. Unlike those conventional fries which serve by McD.. U do not need to add black pepper or serve it with ketchup or chili source.. It itself already full with taste after they fries it.. A little salty but just fine for me..

Let talk bout the burger itself.. Chicken and beef.. For me, chicken just not the right choice for this burger because McD are not chicken specialist.. Only me and kentucy fried chicken are the expert.. The beef always the better choice, medium rare style stiffness, soft and perfect match with the black pepper source.. Just like a hum sup guy met with slut.. What a perfect match... The black pepper source just like a black guy with a super powerful fxxking skills, for sure will make u "enjoy" during the whole process... Muahahaha.. Obscene? Whatever u like to call me.. I am..


Don't scold me if u feel hungry now and tempted to order McD.. I do own their share.. Faster call the delivery hot line.. The burger are calling you.....

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:SS2 McDonald


  1. Are you serious?! I gilakan McD's chilly like theres no tomorrow! I can go 6 saucers of chilly to oe large fries. Hahaha! =P

  2. Their chili are kinda sweet.. try more ^^
