Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jenjarom old folks home

Ok.. The story start with.. i'm late again.. i suppose to "reached" A&W PJ at 9am. but you know.. sometimes... i'll overslept.. haha.. i wake up at 9.30am.. then u should know how rush i'll be..

This is a function which organized by Rotary Pudu and we'll visit them twice a year. i also dunno why they adopt an old folks home which 40km away from pudu.. ^&%*&()($ They take over from dunno what rotary club since 1991. I've joint them dunno how many times to visit this old folks home.

Since i already tell u its 40km.. its mean i'll super late.. i drive like 140km/h to 160km/h along the highway.. plus some kampung road you know.. Jenjarom is a very small chinese villege.. famous by the Dong Chan temple.. the largest temple in Malaysia..

ok.. My Alonso driving skills do help me reach there at 10.15am.. carry out all the thing i prepare to distribute to those uncle. (uncle only old folks home).. damn heavy man.. Then the best thing happen.. ITS START TO RAIN !!!!!!!! KNN..

Luckily i'm not late too much, still saw some rotarian start walking to the home.. phew.. wont kena scold this time ^^

After all the speech by rotarian.. bla bla bla.. (it took like age).. start to give ang pao and distribute all the goodies we prepare.. and that is the moment those uncle waiting for.. something will never miss out.. TAKE PHOTO.... everyone.. just like doing show.. we go there just to take photo i think...

This time they very smart.. they bring a van full with char xiu bao and lor mai gai there.. i din manage to eat any of them although i'm damn hungry.. i only manage to steal one small piece of xiu yok to eat.. haih... who ask me so generous want to let all uncle eat 1st...

After they took their dunno lunch or breakfast.. then its the part i hate the most.. Sing chinese new year song.. not say i dun like to sing.. but its like.. haih ya.. dunno how to say la...

as usual, after all this bla bla bla.. group photo session.. hei man.. how to take a photo of close to 50ppl with those stupid camera, no fish eyes, no wide angle lens.. how???? took one by one loh.. but... ITS RAINING !!!!!! good.. all the camera man wet.. luckily i din bring camera...

haih.. whatever la.. as long as its done ASAP.. i'm damn hungry.. its food time

I thought rotarian will bring us to Pulau Carry (should be something pronounce like that) which every year we'll eat there after the visit.. with a big river view.. sometimes can see sotong floating... But oh.. this time they do improved... they bring us to another place to eat..

1st dish.. what lau eh.. 2 pork with bread.. very nice.. and serve serve serve, wow.. total of 9 full plate dishes leh.. i'm happy, cus i can eat a lot but no need to pay as long as i remain my status as Rotaractor.. mauahahaahahaha

Actually all this thing got nothing special to talk about.. the most fun thing is the lomo effect apps which i just bought for my iphone.. wow.. love it so much.. let check out some photo

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